Rites of Passage have been practiced in cultures around the world as a way to celebrate and transition from one phase of life to the next - to leave behind what no longer serves and to fully sHOW UP FOR life as it is now.
Rites of Passage mark developmental phases of life, like moving from adolescence to adulthood, adulthood to elderhood, or the many other transitions we face throughout our lives such as beginning or ending relationships or jobs, losses, and celebrations.
Rites of Passage are an opportunity to explore and honor all aspects of our identities. In this modern day, there is much value in returning to wild places that remind us that we are whole, connected to, and a part of nature.
Are you in transition or experiencing a recent life change?
Are there things you want to leave behind, call in, or celebrate?
A rite of passage may be the next step
Come join an intimate group with the support of seasoned guides. We will help you craft a potent and meaningful experience for a 4 day/night solo. You will create a ceremony that is just right for you, with an opportunity to fast, disconnect from electronics, nourish yourself, and to be alone in connection with nature.
Time in the group will focus on emotional and physical preparation for your rite of passage, intention setting, personalized ceremony, story-telling, and incorporating the experience into your daily life.
Rite of Passage Offerings
ONGOING MentorshiP
We can help you integrate your meaningful Rites of Passage ceremony into your daily life through our mentoring services.
Honoring the Lineage
Our work comes from the Lineage of The School of Lost Borders.
We honor Steven Foster and Meredith Little, founders of the School, and their teachers Grandpa Raymond Stone, Heyemoyosts Storm, Sun Bear, and Virgina Hine who have committed their lives to reintroducing rites of passage back into the modern world.
Meredith and Steven’s love, encouragement, and support has been a guide and constant inspiration for us. We are grateful to all of the guides at the School and to be part of this lineage.

“I left this wilderness immersion experience as a different version of myself. Layers of conditioning and separation had been released and I was liberated to step into a life of far more authenticity, purpose, and direction. I'm deeply grateful for the loving container and guides which offered deep kindness, empathy, and a felt sense of belonging.”
— Alia
Additional Offerings
We offer experiential trainings around the world where you will learn how to support initiates through modern day rites of passage.
During times of change and uncertainty, mentoring can provide support, integration, and growth.