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2 Week Rite of Passage Guide Training (Full with waitlist)

2 Week RITE OF PASSAGE Guide Training with School of Lost Borders

This training gives students an immersion in a rite of passage ceremony, including the skills involved in leading nature-based ceremony and an understanding of how the principles of rites of passage can be applied to a profession, community, or client. Trainees are encouraged to learn the form, the process, and then to give it their own unique expression within life and work. Throughout the two weeks, the trainee will be challenged to wear two hats: one is the hat of the person training in the ways of the guide and the other is the hat of the person learning experientially what it is like to actually go out on the land as a participant. 

The first five days are given over to preparation (severance). Topics include: council; screening and preparation; cultural appropriation; intention process; the four shields of human-nature; self-generated ceremony; and mirroring.

Trainees go out into the mountains, find a place for their solo and set up communication stone piles with their buddies. For 4 days and nights, the trainee lives alone with an option to fast (Threshold). Sometimes, trainees will choose to remain in basecamp as support for others instead of doing their own ceremony.

The final days of the training are focused on incorporation where each story is told and trainees practice mirroring for empowerment. We also look at the process that has just unfolded from a training perspective and prepare ourselves to reenter our lives.


At least one facilitated solo experience 

Preparing ahead of time: 

Every trainee must ask:What am I going out to mark, celebrate, or confirm? What is my intent? Who will benefit from my training (Who are my people)?


Please plan to arrive at 4pm on September 6th for an orientation and to have time to get settled before we meet the next morning. The program will end by mid-afternoon on September 21st.

Practical preparation: 

We will provide fresh drinking water, and a basic outdoor kitchen. Most days we will be together in council, so you may want to bring a comfortable chair (or we can provide one) and layers of clothing for a range of weather conditions. An equipment list will be sent to you once you register. Extra equipment is available, so please ask if you are in need of anything. We recommend purchasing the following books, “The Love Story” and “The Roaring of the Sacred River” all available from  Lost Borders Press.

Guides: Roo Wharton, Angelo Joseph Lazenka, Kelly McClelland

Registration or Questions: Email Roo at:

July 5

BIPOC Mirroring Training: Reflecting BIPOC Stories through Nature and Belonging

September 29

Fall Rite of Passage -Program for adults